
This section brings together documents, reports and other useful links on many topics that relate to airspace modernisation, from a range of sources including from ACOG, the CAA and DfT.
Airspace Change Masterplan
The Airspace Change Masterplan is a high-level implementation plan that identifies which individual, but interdependent, airspace design changes need to be developed to deliver the range of benefits that modernisation will bring to the UK. The Masterplan is being developed in iterations – the first two can be found here.
> Iteration 1 of the Masterplan
> Iteration 2 of the Masterplan
Other Masterplan documents
In January 2022 the CAA approved the latest version of the Masterplan – Iteration 2. We have pulled out all the key takeaways in a one page summary.
> One page summary of iteration 2
Want to learn more about how ACOG is engaging stakeholders as it prepares the next version of the Masterplan -Iteration 3? You can find our strategy here.
> Masterplan iteration 3 Engagement Strategy
ACOG Papers and Documents
> ACOG’s response to the consultation on establishing a UK Airspace Design Service (UKADS)
- This document outlines ACOG’s response to the 2024 consultation on a proposal to create a UK Airspace Design Service (UKADS).
- This high-level information paper considers the key functions required of a Single Design Entity (SDE) that would conduct the airspace design work required to achieve the objectives of airspace modernisation in the London and Southeast (LTMA) cluster of the UK Airspace Change Masterplan.
> Technology options that support airspace modernisation, August 2022
- This technical paper was produced at the request of the Department for Transport and Civil Aviation Authority in their roles as co-sponsors of Airspace Modernisation in the UK. It discusses some of the main technology options that form the basis for airspace modernisation in busy terminal areas and considers how they may help to mitigate the impacts of aircraft noise.
> ACOG’s Environment Strategy, September 2022
- ACOG’s Environment Strategy demonstrates how airspace change is helping to deliver a near-term contribution to the Government’s ‘Jet Zero’ commitments for the sector while also reducing where possible noise nuisance from overflights and freeing up regulated airspace for other airspace users.
Key CAA sites & documents
CAA process, acceptance criteria and assessment outcomes
> CAP1616 Airspace Change Process
- Guidance on the regulatory process for changing the notified airspace design and planned and permanent redistribution of air traffic, and on providing airspace information.
> CAP2312A: Co-sponsor assessment and CAA acceptance decision
- Following the submission of Iteration 2 of the Masterplan by ACOG, this document sets out the co-sponsors’ assessment and CAA’s acceptance decision of this iteration.
- Addendum to the co-sponsors’ assessment and CAA acceptance of Iteration 2 of the masterplan, accepting: (1) the clustered approach, (2) adding Farnborough, (3) removing Aberdeen from the wider programme, (4) withdrawing Cardiff’s proposal.
> CAP2156A: Airspace change masterplan – CAA acceptance criteria
- This document sets out the criteria the CAA will apply for accepting the airspace change masterplan into our Airspace Modernisation Strategy.
Performance-based Navigation research and guidance
> CAP1385: Performance Based Navigation (PBN) information
- A comprehensive guidance enabling the optimum application of PBN in UK airspace and supporting the strategy for airspace modernisation.
- This document explores the impacts and possibilities of using PBN routes to mitigate noise impacts.
> CAP1165: Managing Aviation Noise
- This document offers the aviation industry and policy-makers a selection of options that are available to manage aviation noise and a series of recommendations related to the most effective ways to manage noise when capacity is expanding.

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